The number of people who work from home is increasing each year, with up to 30 percent of people working from home. That number is expected to increase over the coming years as businesses grow more open to the idea of allowing employees to work from home at least part of the time.
For workers, however, this poses a new dilemma. Not every home or apartment has an extra room just waiting to be converted into a home office. Professionals can set up a laptop at the kitchen table or work from a recliner, but to be most productive, many workers need a dedicated area. With a little creativity and a few simple modifications, you can set up a work area even when space is limited.
Find a Nook
The best place for a home office is a small private nook. You don’t have to live in a large house to have a small area that’s set off from a larger room. Nooks can be the perfect area to build or place a small desk and chair, offering you privacy without taking up space in the room around it. Even an area with bay windows can make a great place to put a desk. Look around your house for any recessed areas, keeping in mind the importance of good lighting.
Pick a Corner
Corners are also a great place for a desk, giving you a cozy, somewhat private area in which to work. If you use a traditional desk, however, you’ll have a great deal of wasted space between the desk and the area where the two walls meet. Instead, consider shopping for corner desks that will go as far into the corner as possible. These desks will make sure every square foot of your desk can be put to use. You could also use a desk on one wall and an extension on another that has shelves and drawers for extra storage.
Hide Your Desk
For years, secretaries have provided a handy desk for letter writing. Today’s secretaries offer both beauty and functionality to your rooms, allowing you a handy place to work while also letting you hide that place when you aren’t using it. Just pull a chair up to the secretary's desk when you’re ready to work, set up your laptop, and get started. As you’re shopping for secretary desks, keep in mind that you need to find one that’s sturdy enough to handle the weight of your laptop.
Get Creative
This creative home office shows how a small section of a sunroom can be put to use as an office. A little shelving and some curtains can turn any space in your home into an office. With the use of curtains, you can also use bins or racks beneath to store extra paperwork or office supplies.
If you’re still working from your kitchen table, consider setting up a small, dedicated home office. You’ll be more productive when you have an area of your home set aside for work and your family can enjoy meals without having to clear away your folders and notepads.